Soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition improves myocardial perfusion and function in experimental heart failure
Nassiba Merabet a, Jeremy Bellien a,e,f,⁎, Etienne Glevarec a,f, Lionel Nicol a,f, Daniele Lucas b, Isabelle Remy-Jouet a,f, Frederic Bounoure c,f, Yvonne Dreano b, Didier Wecker d,
Christian Thuillez a,e,f, Paul Mulder a,f
a Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM) U644, University of Rouen, Rouen, France
b Department of Biochemistry, INSERM U613, ECLA, Brest University Hospital, Brest, France
c Galenic Laboratory, Laboratoire d’Automatique et Genie des Procedes (LAGEP) Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) UMR5007, Rouen, France
d Bruker Biospin MRI GMBH, Ettlingen, Germany
e Department of Pharmacology, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France
f Institute for Biomedical Research of Rouen, France
Keywords: Heart failure Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids Soluble epoxide hydrolase Left ventricular function Myocardial perfusion
The study addressed the hypothesis that soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) inhibition, which increases cardiovas- cular protective epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs), exerts beneficial effects in an established chronic heart failure (CHF) model. In CHF rats, left ventricular (LV) function, perfusion and remodeling were assessed using MRI and invasive hemodynamics after 42-day (starting 8 days after coronary ligation) and delayed 3-day (starting 47 days after coronary ligation) treatments with the sEH inhibitor AUDA (twice 0.25 mg/day). Delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA increased plasma EETs demonstrating the effective inhibition of sEH. Delayed 3-day and 42- day AUDA enhanced cardiac output without change in arterial pressure, thus reducing total peripheral resistance. Both treatment periods increased the slope of the LV end-systolic pressure–volume relation, but only 42-day AUDA decreased LV end-diastolic pressure, relaxation constant Tau and the slope of the LV end-diastolic pres- sure–volume relation, associated with a reduced LV diastolic volume and collagen density. Delayed 3-day and, to a larger extent, 42-day AUDA increased LV perfusion associated with a decreased LV hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha. Both treatment periods decreased reactive oxygen species level and increased reduced-oxidized glutathione ratio. Finally, MSPPOH, an inhibitor of the EET-synthesizing enzyme cytochrome epoxygenases, abol- ished the beneficial effects of 3-day AUDA on LV function and perfusion. Augmentation of EET availability by pharmacological inhibition of sEH increases LV diastolic and systolic functions in established CHF. This notably results from short-term processes, i.e. increased LV perfusion, reduced LV oxidative stress and peripheral vasodi- latation, but also from long-term effects, i.e. reduced LV remodeling.
1. Introduction
Because chronic heart failure (CHF) is still associated with a poor prognosis, despite the introduction of angiotensin-converting en- zyme (ACE) inhibitors, β-blockers and mineraloreceptor antagonists, new therapeutics are needed [1–3]. Increasing epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (EET) bioavailability, by inhibition of their degradation by solu- ble epoxide hydrolase (sEH), is a little explored but promising phar- macological target. Indeed, EETs are eicosanoids, synthesized by cytochrome P450 epoxygenases in renal, vascular and cardiac tissues, that contribute to the regulation of vascular tone, inflammation, cell proliferation, angiogenesis and hemostasis [4–6]. Interestingly, the gene encoding sEH, Ephx2, has been identified as a susceptibility fac- tor for CHF [7]. In fact, the Ephx2SHHF allele in rats is not only associ- ated with an up-regulation of sEH expression, leading to a decrease in EET availability, but also with the development of left ventricular (LV) dysfunction [7]. Reversely, increasing EET levels through sEH inhibi- tion prevents the development of LV hypertrophy and dysfunction in cardiac overload models [7–9]. In the same way, sEH inhibition de- creases cardiac remodeling and arrhythmias resulting from the induc- tion of myocardial infarction in mice [10]. However, because the coronary artery occlusion was not definitive and sEH inhibitors were administered preventively, these effects may be related to the major reduction in infarct size and/or early expansion obtained in treated animals [10]. Thus, it remains to be investigated whether sEH inhibition exerts similar beneficial effects when treatment is ini- tiated after infarct healing, which is a more clinical relevant setting of established CHF. Indeed, the effects of a delayed treatment started after complete infarct healing result only from actions on the ‘viable’ part of the LV [11].In this context, we assessed whether increasing EET bioavailability by pharmacological inhibition of sEH improves cardiac hemodynam- ics, structure and function in an established ischemic CHF model and addressed some of the associated cellular effects.
2. Material and methods
The protocol was approved by the local institutional review com- mittee and conducted in accordance with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
2.1. Animals
Experiments were performed in 10-week-old male Wistar rats (Charles-River), in which myocardial infarction was induced by left coronary artery ligation as previously described [11–16]. The infarcted animals that died after the surgical intervention but before randomization were excluded from the study. Sham-operated rats, subjected to the same protocol except that the coronary artery was not occluded, served as control (n= 16).
2.2. Treatment
2.2.1. Main study
Interpretation of the results obtained after long-term treatment does not allow separation of the direct functional effects of sEH inhi- bition and indirect long-term effects induced by the improvement of cardiac structure. To avoid this experimental bias, long-term and delayed short-term administration studies were performed. For the long-term administration study, 8 days after ligation, and thus after infarct healing [11–13], the animals were randomized in two groups, ligated rats treated with a placebo for 42 days (n= 18) and ligated rats treated with the sEH inhibitor 12-(3-adamantan-1-yl-ureido) dodecanoic acid (AUDA, Cayman Chemical) at the dose of 0.25 mg twice a day for 42 days (n= 18) [8,17,18]. For the delayed short- term study, 8 days after ligation, the animals were treated with the placebo for 39 days and then, with AUDA (0.25 mg twice a day) for the last 3 days of the experimental period (n= 18). AUDA has a half maximal inhibitory concentration of sEH in the low nanomolar range but has a poor solubility in water and a short half-life [19]. For this reason, AUDA was dissolved in sodium bicarbonate buffer (1.4%) containing β-cyclodextrin, ethanol and NaOH with a pH be- tween 7 and 9, and administered twice a day by gavage. We chose a dose of 0.50 mg/kg/day since this dose allows to reach a plasma level of more than 100 nM, which is at least two times higher than AUDA half maximal inhibitory concentration on murine sEH, and without significant effect on peroxisome proliferator-activated recep- tors alpha [8,20]. In addition, this dose prevents cardiac hypertrophy to the same extent than more soluble sEH inhibitors when adminis- tered in angiotensin II-infused mice [8]. The placebo consisted of an identical formulation without AUDA.
2.2.2. Complementary study
We evaluated in separate experiments the role of EETs in the ef- fects of AUDA. For this purpose, ligated rats received either the place- bo (n= 8), delayed 3-day AUDA (starting 47 days after surgery), the inhibitor of cytochrome epoxygenases N-methylsulfonyl-6-(2-pro- pargyloxyphenyl)-hexanamide (MSPPOH: 20 mg/kg/day, i.p., n= 8) or delayed 3-day AUDA+MSPPOH (n= 8) [21].
2.3. Magnetic resonance imaging evaluation of cardiac dimensions, function and perfusion
All animals were explored 50 days after surgery. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to determine LV end-diastolic and LV end-systolic volumes, ejection fraction (%), stroke volume and car- diac output in anesthetized rats (Brietal; 50 mg/kg IP) using a 4.7 T horizontal bore scanner (Bruker) [22].
The perfusion was evaluated by Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) tech- nique, in which, the blood in the arteries upstream from the imaging volume is magnetically “labeled”. As a consequence, image intensity changes occur depending on the blood supply to the tissue in the im- aged slice. Upon subtraction of an image acquired without spin label- ing, the background signal from static spins is removed and the difference image can be used to quantify perfusion. The difference of the inverse of the apparent T1 images then yields a measure of the regional Cardiac Blood Flow (rCBF) according to rCBF=L (1/ T1sel-1/T1nonsel), where L is the blood–tissue partition coefficient [22,23].
2.4. LV hemodynamics
LV hemodynamics was assessed using LV pressure–volume curves. In brief, a 2 F miniaturized combined conductance catheter– micromanometer (model SPR-838, Millar) connected to a pressure- conductance unit (MPCU-200, Millar) was advanced retrogradely via the carotid artery into the left ventricle to record [14,16,24]. Pres- sure–volume loops were recorded at baseline and during loading by gently occluding the abdominal aorta with a cotton swab, allowing the calculation of LV end-systolic and end-diastolic pressures, LV dP/dtmin/max, LV relaxation constant Tau (Weiss method) and LV end-systolic and end-diastolic pressure–volume relations as indica- tors of load-independent LV passive compliance and contractile func- tion respectively. Total peripheral resistance was calculated as mean arterial blood pressure divided by cardiac output.
2.5. Plasma EETs and nitrite levels
After assessment of LV hemodynamics, aortic blood samples were drawn and transferred in a iced tube containing heparin (1000 U/ml). Samples were immediately centrifuged (800 g, 10 min, 4 °C) and the plasma was frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at −80 °C until anal- ysis. Plasma levels of EETs were determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry with negative-ion chemical-ionization [25]. Plas- ma level of nitrite, a marker of NO availability, were determined using a tri-iodide/ozone-based chemiluminescence assay with the NO analyzer 280 (Sievers Instruments) [26].
2.6. LV morphohistological assessment
After blood sampling, the heart was harvested, the atria, the right as well as left ventricles weighted separately, and a section of the left ventricle was snap frozen for subsequent determination of LV colla- gen density, infarct size as well as myocyte and LV capillary densities [14–16,24].
2.7. LV Western-blot analysis and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) gelatinolytic activity
LV expressions of sEH, hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), en- dothelial NO-synthase (eNOS), inducible NO-synthase (iNOS), phos- phatidyl inositol 3-kinase (PI3K; P85 and P110 subunits) and phospho-Akt (P-Akt; serine 473) were determined in the non- infarcted left ventricle by Western-blot analysis [14,15,18,27]. LV MMP-2 gelatinolytic activity was measured by gelatin zymography, as described previously [14,15,24].
2.8. LV oxidative stress
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) level were determined by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy [14,15]. LV concentrations of total glutathione (oxidized glutathione GSSG+reduced glutathione GSH) and of the oxidized form (GSSG) were measured by glutathione reductase-5,5-dithiobis (DTNB) recycling assay, and the GSH-to-GSSG ratio was used as indicator of the oxidative stress status [15,16,24].
2.9. Statistics
All results are given as mean±SD.The Shapiro–Wilk test was used to assess normality.In the main study, the effects of coronary artery ligation and the ef- fects of AUDA treatment on measured parameters were analyzed sepa- rately. In order to evaluate the effect of CHF induced by coronary artery ligation, all parameters obtained in sham and ligated rats treated with placebo were compared by unpaired t-test or nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test as appropriate. In order to evaluate the effect of long- term and delayed short-term AUDA administration, all parameters obtained in placebo, 3-day AUDA and 42-day AUDA-treated CHF rats were compared using one-way ANOVA or nonparametric Kruskall– Wallis test as appropriate, followed, in case of significance, by Tukey– Kramer test or Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons.
In the complementary study, all parameters obtained in placebo, 3- day AUDA, MSPPOH and 3-day AUDA+MSPPOH-treated CHF rats were compared using one-way ANOVA or nonparametric Kruskall–Wallis test as appropriate, followed, in case of significance, by Tukey–Kramer test or Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons.Statistical analysis was performed with NCSS software (version 07.1.14). Two-sided P values were used. Values of P b 0.05 were consid- ered statistically significant.
3. Results
Mean infarct size was identical in ligated rats after delayed 3-day (36 ± 5%) and 42-day (33 ± 8%) AUDA treatments when compared with placebo-treated ligated rats (34 ± 8%).
3.1. Systemic hemodynamics
Fifty days after surgery, mean arterial pressure and heart rate in placebo-treated ligated rats were not significantly different from that in sham-operated rats, but cardiac output was diminished, resulting in an increase in total peripheral resistance (Table 1). Heart rate was not modified, while mean arterial pressure tended to decrease and cardiac output increased to the same extent after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments, resulting in a decrease in total peripheral resistance.
3.2. LV hemodynamics
LV end-systolic pressure was not significantly modified but LV dP/ dtmax and the slope of the LV end-systolic pressure–volume relation were decreased in placebo-treated ligated rats as compared with sham-operated rats, showing LV systolic dysfunction (Fig. 1). Moreover, LV dP/dtmin was decreased and LV end-diastolic pressure, LV relaxation constant τ and the slope of the LV end-diastolic pressure–volume rela- tion were increased in placebo-treated ligated rats showing LV diastolic dysfunction.LV end-systolic pressure was decreased in ligated rats after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments (Fig. 1). LV dP/dtmax was not modified after the delayed 3-day AUDA treatment but tended to increase after the 42-day treatment. However, the slope of the LV end-systolic pressure–volume relation, which take into consideration the changes in loading conditions, was similarly increased after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments demonstrating an improvement in cardiac systolic function.
Fig. 1. Left ventricular end-systolic pressure (LVESP), LV dP/dtmax, LV end-systolic pressure–volume relation (LVESPVR), LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), LV dP/dtmin, LV relax- ation constant tau and LV end-diastolic pressure–volume relation (LVEDPVR) determined in sham-operated rats (white bars, n= 7), placebo-treated congestive heart failure (CHF) rats (gray bars, n= 10) and CHF rats treated with delayed 3-day AUDA (up-hatched bars, n= 10) or 42-day AUDA (down-hatched bars, n= 10). Values are mean±SD. *P b 0.05 vs. sham, †P b 0.05 vs. placebo, ‡P b 0.05 vs. 3-day AUDA.
Fig. 2. Left ventricular (LV) end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes and ejection fraction determined in sham-operated rats (white bars, n= 6–8), placebo-treated congestive heart failure (CHF) rats (gray bars, n= 8–10) and CHF rats treated with delayed 3-day AUDA (up-hatched bars, n= 7–9) or 42-day AUDA (down-hatched bars, n= 7–9). Values are mean±SD.*P b 0.05 vs. sham, †P b 0.05 vs. placebo.
Furthermore, LV dP/dtmin was not modified after the delayed 3-day AUDA treatment but tended to increase after the 42-day treatment. How- ever, LV end-diastolic pressure, LV relaxation constant τ and the slope of the LV end-diastolic pressure–volume relation were significantly decreased after long-term AUDA treatment, demonstrating an improvement in cardi- ac diastolic function. The delayed 3-day AUDA treatment did not modify these parameters.
3.3. LV remodeling
LV systolic and diastolic volumes were markedly increased and as- sociated with a reduced ejection fraction in placebo-treated ligated rats as compared with sham-operated rats (Fig. 2). The dilation of the LV cavity was associated with an increase in LV weight, LV weight-to-body weight ratio as well as collagen accumulation in the viable part of the left ventricle, while capillary density, but not capillary-to-myocyte ratio, in the viable part of the LV was reduced (Table 2).LV end-diastolic volume was decreased in ligated rats after the 42- day but not after the delayed 3-day AUDA treatment (Fig. 2). LV end- systolic volume was reduced after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments, but this decrease reached statistical significance only after the 42-day treatment. However, ejection fraction was increased after both delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments. LV weight as well as LV weight-to-body weight ratio was not modified after delayed 3- day and 42-day AUDA treatments, but collagen density was decreased and capillary density as well as the capillary-to-myocyte ratio were in- creased after the 42-day treatment (Table 2).
3.4. LV tissue perfusion
LV tissue perfusion was reduced and associated with an increased LV HIF-1α expression in placebo-treated ligated rats as compared with sham-operated rats (Fig. 3). LV tissue perfusion was increased after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments, and this increase was more marked after long-term administration. Simultaneously, LV HIF-1α expression was decreased after delayed 3-day and 42- day AUDA treatments.
3.5. NO and EET pathways
LV tissue sEH expression and plasma EET level were not signifi- cantly different between placebo-treated ligated rats and sham- operated rats (Fig. 4). Regarding NO pathway, LV iNOS expression was increased while LV eNOS expression was decreased, associated with an enhanced nitrite plasma level.Plasma EET level was increased to a similar degree after delayed 3- day and 42-day AUDA treatments, while sEH expression was not mod- ified (Fig. 4). LV expression of eNOS was increased, while LV expression of iNOS was decreased in ligated rats after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments. Plasma nitrite level was decreased in ligated rats after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments, but this decrease reached statistical significance only after the delayed 3-day treatment.
Fig. 3. Left ventricular (LV) perfusion and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-α) expression in sham-operated rats (white bars, n= 6), placebo-treated congestive heart failure (CHF) rats (gray bars, n= 5–8) and CHF rats treated with delayed 3-day AUDA (up-hatched bars, n=6–8) or 42-day AUDA (down-hatched bars, n= 6). Values are mean±SD. *P b 0.05 vs. sham, †P b 0.05 vs. placebo, ‡P b 0.05 vs. 3-day AUDA.
Fig. 4. Western-blot analysis of left ventricular (LV) soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH), inducible and endothelial NO-synthase (iNOS and eNOS respectively) and plasma EETs and nitrite level in sham-operated rats (white bars, n= 6–11), placebo-treated congestive heart failure (CHF) rats (gray bars, n= 5–12) and CHF rats treated with delayed 3-day AUDA (up-hatched bars, n= 6–12) or 42-day AUDA (down-hatched bars, n= 7–12). Values are mean±SD. *P b 0.05 vs. sham, †P b 0.05 vs. placebo, ‡P b 0.05 vs. 3-day AUDA.
3.6. LV oxidative stress
The LV ROS levels were increased and associated with a decreased GSH-to-GSSG ratio and an increased MMP-2 activity in placebo- treated ligated rats as compared with sham-operated rats (Fig. 5). The LV level of ROS was decreased, the GSH-to-GSSG ratio was in- creased and MMP-2 activity was reduced after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments. The decrease in MMP-2 activity was more marked after the 42-day treatment.
3.7. LV PI3K/Akt pathway
LV expression of p85 and p110 PI3K subunits was not significantly different but P-Akt was decreased in ligated rats as compared with sham-operated rats (Table 2).LV expression of p85 and p110 PI3K subunits was not significantly affected after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments. In con- trast, LV expression of P-Akt was increased after both delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments, but this increase reached statistical sig- nificance only after the 42-day treatment.
3.8. Complementary study
As previously observed in the main study, the 3-day AUDA treat- ment decreased mean arterial pressure, improved cardiac systolic function, as shown by the increase in ejection fraction and in the slope of the LV end-systolic pressure–volume relation, and augment- ed LV tissue perfusion in CHF rats (Table 3). The addition of MSPPOH to the 3-day AUDA treatment abolished all these effects.
4. Discussion
The main finding of the present study is that chronic sEH inhibi- tion increases LV diastolic and systolic function and reduces LV remo- deling in established CHF.The effects of the sEH inhibitor AUDA were evaluated in a rat model of CHF, which reproduces the major hallmarks of human CHF as previously demonstrated [11–13,16]. Indeed, depressed LV hemo- dynamics/function were observed in ligated animals treated with pla- cebo, and this was associated with LV dilatation, LV hypertrophy and reduced LV capillary density as well as enhanced collagen accumula- tion. These effects were observed in the presence of a reduction in cardiac hypertrophy induced by angiotensin II and thoracic aortic constriction [8,9,18]. However, myocyte hypertrophy in ischemic CHF is mediated, at least in part, by LV parietal stress, which is probably in our model poorly affected by AUDA, due to the moderate re- duction in LV dilatation and LV end-diastolic pressure.
Fig. 5. Left ventricular (LV) reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, LV reduced-oxidized glutathione ratio (GSH/GSSG), and LV matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) gelatinolytic ac- tivity in sham-operated rats (white bars, n= 8–12), placebo-treated congestive heart failure (CHF) rats (gray bars, n= 8–12) and CHF rats treated with delayed 3-day AUDA (up- hatched bars, n= 6–12) or 42-day AUDA (down-hatched bars, n= 6–10). Values are mean±SD. *P b 0.05 vs. sham, †P b 0.05 vs. placebo, ‡P b 0.05 vs. 3-day AUDA.
Furthermore, the increase in myocardial tissue perfusion, which is obtained shortly after sEH inhibition in CHF rats, is probably a main contributor of the long-term beneficial effects of AUDA on LV diastolic and systolic function. Indeed, our group has recently demonstrated in this CHF model that the increase in myocardial perfusion, induced by myocardial perfusion and an enhanced oxidative stress, as shown by the increase in LV ROS level and decrease in the GSH-to-GSSG ratio.
Regarding the sEH/EET pathway in CHF, it must be stressed that the results already reported in the literature are controversial. Indeed, in contrast to our results, i.e. no modification in the LV expression of sEH and in EET plasma levels, increased sEH expression together with a de- creased EET level have been observed in genetically-predisposed CHF rats, while reversely, Ephx2 mRNA expression is decreased in patients with CHF [7]. Although this remains to be investigated, these divergent findings might be notably related to differences between experimental models concerning the activity level of the renin–angiotensin system, which plays a major role in the regulation of sEH expression [7–9].
In this context, as expected, delayed 3-day and 42-day treatments with AUDA increased plasma EET level demonstrating the effective inhibition of sEH. This was associated with an increase in LV systolic function, as shown by the significant increase in the slope of the LV end-systolic pressure–volume relation after both delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments. In contrast, only the 42-day treatment with AUDA increased diastolic function, as demonstrated by the de- crease in LV end-diastolic pressure, LV relaxation constant τ and the slope of the LV end-diastolic pressure–volume relation. Importantly, a reduction in infarct size, which contributes to the improvement in LV function after sEH inhibition in a model of ischemia–reperfusion injury [10], is not involved in our conditions. Indeed, in the present study, coronary artery occlusion was definitive and sEH inhibition is initiated after infarct healing [11–13], resulting in a similar infarct size in all CHF groups. Furthermore, even if the beneficial effects of the 42-day AUDA treatment is probably related to a reduction in the well-known progressive deterioration of cardiac function in our model, notably regarding LV diastolic function [12,13], sEH inhibition can also reverse the course of the disease as shown by the improve- ment in LV systolic function after the 3-day AUDA treatment.
Several observations suggest the involvement of vasodilator and anti-remodeling effects in the increase in LV function induced by AUDA. Regarding LV systolic function, by reducing total peripheral re- sistance and thus LV afterload, probably through the peripheral vaso- dilator effect of EETs [4–6,17,18], delayed 3-day and 42-day treatments with AUDA facilitates LV ejection and improves cardiac performance, as illustrated by the increase in ejection fraction and cardiac output. Furthermore, an anti-fibrotic effect, i.e. prevention of LV interstitial collagen accumulation, probably contributes to the in- crease in LV diastolic function after the 42-day AUDA treatment. In this context, the reduced LV dilatation, illustrated by the reduced LV diastolic and systolic volumes, may reflect the increase in LV diastolic function observed after the 42-day AUDA treatment. However, LV hy- pertrophy was not modified by AUDA in the present study, as demon- strated by the absence of decrease in LV weight. This result appears at first sight surprising because sEH inhibitors substantially reducement in coronary endothelium-dependent dilatation, as recently demonstrated in mice with renovascular hypertension after AUDA administration [18]. Moreover, the even more marked improvement of myocardial perfusion after a 42-day treatment may be the conse- quence of the angiogenic effect of EETs [4,29], which prevented the development of capillary rarefaction, as illustrated by the slight but significant increase in the capillary-to-myocyte ratio. In parallel, myo- cardial hypoxia was reduced, as shown by the marked decrease in HIF-1α expression after both delayed 3-day and 42-day treatments with AUDA, and this also probably initiates beneficial long-term ef- fects, in particular regarding the reduction in LV remodeling. To note, the decreased expression of HIF-1α is probably due to the in- crease in LV perfusion rather than to a direct effect of sEH inhibition because conversely, it was shown that EETs tended to increase pro- tein expression in hypoxic cells [30].
Additional direct and indirect mechanisms may have contributed to the beneficial effects of AUDA on LV function and remodeling. In partic- ular, the reduction in LV ROS level and increase in the GSH-to-GSSG ratio after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments in CHF rats strongly suggest that an early reduction in oxidative stress contributes to the beneficial effects of sEH inhibition. Indeed, we previously demon- strated that a reduction in oxidative stress, even transient, is sufficient to attenuate the long-term LV dysfunction and remodeling in ischemic CHF rats [14,16]. Moreover, simultaneously with the decrease in oxida- tive stress, LV MMP-2 activity is reduced. This is of particular impor- tance since, besides its role in the extracellular matrix, MMP-2 is found within the cardiomyocytes and, after activation by ROS, promotes contractile dysfunction by degrading sarcomeric proteins [31]. Further- more, the reduction in oxidative stress observed after AUDA may be, at least partly, related to the decrease in LV iNOS expression and thus, less- er production of NO, superoxide anions and peroxynitrites. Indeed, re- duced LV remodeling and dysfunction associated with a decrease in oxidative stress and plasma markers of NO have been previously shown in ischemic CHF using genetic deletion or pharmacological inhi- bition of iNOS [32,33]. It is difficult to determine in our experimental conditions whether this effect is directly related to sEH inhibition but one preliminary experiment has shown that increasing EET bioavail- ability reduces iNOS expression during myocardial ischemia–reperfu- sion [34]. Moreover, according with the decreased expression of iNOS after delayed 3-day and 42-day AUDA treatments in CHF rats, plasma nitrite level was reduced. However, this does not reach statistical signif- icance after the 42-day AUDA treatment, probably due to the increase in eNOS expression, which appears higher than in sham-operated rats and may enhance endothelial NO production. As previously shown, such ef- fect on eNOS expression may be directly triggered by EETs [35]. Impor- tantly, this mechanism may also contribute to the vasodilator action but also to the direct beneficial effects of sEH inhibition on LV dysfunction in the present study. In this respect, it was previously shown that an en- hancer of eNOS transcription improves LV remodeling and cardiac con- tractility in rats after myocardial infarction [36].
Finally, to demonstrate that the improvement in cardiac function and perfusion with AUDA treatment is mainly related to the increase in EET availability, we showed in the complementary study that the inhibition of cytochrome P450 epoxygenases, the EET-synthesizing enzymes, with MSPPOH abolished the beneficial effects of the 3-day treatment on these parameters. In addition, although PI3K expression was not affected, AUDA treatment prevented the decrease in the LV expression of P-Akt [27]. This result is in agreement with previous data showing that, through this pathway, EETs promote the survival of cardiomyocytes during ischemia–reperfusion, exert their pro- angiogenic effects and up-regulate eNOS expression, with each of these effects having been observed in the present study [29,35,37].
In conclusion, this study demonstrates for the first time that the augmentation in EET bioavailability induced by pharmacological inhibi- tion of sEH increases LV diastolic and systolic function in established CHF. This notably result from short-term processes, i.e. increased myo- cardial tissue perfusion, reduced LV oxidative stress and peripheral va- sodilatation, but also from long-term effects, i.e. reduced LV remodeling. Agents targeting sEH, which are currently under development in arteri- al hypertension and diabetes, may thus, represent a new pharmacolog- ical approach in the therapeutic management of patients with CHF. However, additional experiments are warranted to evaluate whether the administration of sEH inhibitors offers additional benefits, combined with or even over usual drugs used in the management of pa- tients with CHF patients, and whether this can be translated into a re- duction in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Funding source
This study was supported by a grant from the French Society on Arterial Hypertension.
The authors thank Jean-Paul Henry, Brigitte Dautreaux, Françoise Lallemand and Cathy Vendeville for their technical assistance.
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